Black Latin American History Workshop
This is a call to decide on topic & book workshop with Dash & Javier.
Service Description
Book Dash & Javier for sessions 1-3 hours long on a range of topics: The Casta system, "certificates of whiteness," the colonial foundations of the ongoing racial hierarchy and pigmentocracy. Blacking the Brown: Centering Black Latin American Experiences Morenizar and the dishonest "Browning" of Latin Americans Mestizaje Myths The myth of "Mestizaje" and breaking down the white supremacist pathology and hegemony of "La Raza," "HIspanidad," and "La Raza Cosmica" and how whiteness in the U.S., Latin America, and Spain have historically been in communication for centuries. Emancipation, Whitening Policies (Blanqueamiento) & Nation-building in Latin America Negritud in Latin America What happened after slavery was " abolished" in the region? What is "Latin"? The construction and myth of white "difference" Criollo-ism and the manufacturing of a white imaginary "culture' in mainstream Latin America. European hegemony and Black resistance to it Afrodescendant Migration through the LatAm/Caribbean region Black Latin Americans in Sports Racialized divisions of labor in Latin America Fee will be applied to overall cost of the workshop.